2. Communal showers exist. Say goodbye to privacy until Thanksgiving break.

3. Dining halls are scary places ... food fights can happen. Always be on alert. You never want to be stuck in the cafeteria crossfire.

4. Speaking of dining halls, realize the food freedom available at your fingertips. Maintain a balanced diet to stave off the dreaded Freshman Fifteen.

5. Another helpful healthy nugget: work on your fitness! Colleges offer group gym classes and have amazing facilities for free.

Academic life:
6. Be prepared for class and pack some fun school supplies. They brighten up mundane PowerPoint discussions.

7. Take notes and participate even if you feel like this after lectures.

8. Don't get mad at professors if you received a low grade. And whatever you do, don't mix drinking and social media (because you're obviously underage). Those tweets could always find their way to your instructor.

Social life:
9. On the topic of drinking: it is rampant on most campuses. Be smart and be safe, especially when behind the wheel. Never trust a friend under the influence who says:

10. Don't be an idiot. Enjoy yourself responsibly.

11. Check out some theme parties and get crafty with your ensemble. By senior year, you'll be a master at creating an amazing look for free.

12. Don't half-ass it, own your outfit! This is the only time you can dress up in ridiculous costumes and be considered normal.

13. Play up your features when your friends hit the club (which they will). It'll give you a confidence boost on the dance floor.

14. Your well-being also includes sexual health. Get tested and use protection to avoid any surprises.

15. Don't freak out if your major is undecided. Remember everyone is lost at some point. You'll figure it out.

16. And most importantly, BREATHE. These are the best four years of your life.

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