Hi everyone!
i'm sorry for not posting....i was look for inspiration.
And the inspiration for to is help. What i meant by help is helping people.
You know if someone needs a help in need.
It's just are you thinking of doing it or not.
Why not just help them if their are really in need. Just help them in any case.
Cause once you help the, they will remember.
They remember that you would actually have the time to help them even though you are busy.
Cause one day, when you are really in trouble, they are the ones are going to lend a helping hand.
Don't insult them.
Just help them.
Cause when you don't,
no ones gonna be there for you.
But also the person who helped you, do't forget to help them back.
They've got your back when you needed them. Why not try.
I think if everyone in this world wide world would try to help one another.

Well if you never help someone, try to help one.
You'll never know whats gonna happen